One of the services we pay more attention is, naturally, the schools buses, where we have long tradition. Daily we drive hundreds of boys and girls to school and to jaunts.
In Autocares Dotor we offer a personal attention to the schools in order to make possible the best schedule, adapting us to the demand and attending all the petitions.
In the children case, the security is a priority, for that reason all our vehicles are equipped with seat belts approved revised periodically in all seats. The technology also help us to watch over the children integrity, since our buses incorporate leading solutions in this matter, for example the cameras of subsequent vision.
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The new fitted cameras system for buses guarantees the driver total visibility regarding the blind spot of the vehicle. This leading system, bases its great efficacy in its wide-angle lens, specifically designed for buses. Besides, they have a design that adjusts perfectly to the beautiful lines of the current buses.
Autocares Dotor has been pioneer in this system and now becomes an indispensable tool to avoid accidents; it’s a solution that defies the security regulations for schools buses just as establishes the Order ITC/4037/2006 of the Department of Industry and the European direction 2003/97/CE.